UV-C SAFE Inc. is a company that designs, engineers, and develops automated germicidal cleaning systems that fight against pathogens, germs, and viruses. Its products are designed to help make interpersonal interactions safer.
Ultra violate light to sterilize
UV-C SAFE Inc. is a company that designs, engineers, and develops automated germicidal cleaning systems that fight against pathogens, germs, and viruses. //Photo courtesy of UV-C SAFE Inc.

UV-C SAFE Inc. is a company that designs, engineers, and develops automated germicidal cleaning systems that fight against pathogens, germs, and viruses. Its products are designed to help make interpersonal interactions safer.

UV-C SAFE uses the only human-SAFE UV-C (Ultraviolet light in the C Spectrum) lighting in its products to efficiently disinfect germs and viruses. The company has two products launched and five patents pending, including an advanced robotic system produced for hospitals.

Rik Hudechek, founder of UV-C SAFE, started the company in 2019 because of his own high-risk health needs. He built systems to fill in the gaps he saw for himself that required getting proper light filtration. UV-C SAFE is growing steadily with 50 engineers working on its next project.

UV-C Safe’s notable products include its UV-C home unit that uses UV-C light to make the HVAC in homes safer as well as the UV-C Safe transaction portals that allow a germ-free experience when using a credit card. According to Hudechek, the home unit was developed due to high demand.

“Our greatest accomplishment is finding the needs that aren’t being met in health care and filling those gaps,” says Hudechek. “Our goal is to help businesses and institutions through these challenging times and provide solutions to give peace of mind and rebuild trust being indoors.”

Company: UV-C SAFE Inc.
Address: 25210 Quarter Deck, Harrison Township
Email: Rik@UV-CSafe.com
Website: https://UV-CSafe.com
Phone Number: 586-262-2051
Category: Health Care
Founded (year): 2020
Founder(s): Rik Hudechek
Number of Employees: 5
Most Recent Annual Revenue: NA
Video Link: https://UV-CSafe.com


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