DBusiness’ Northern Michigan Dining and Iconic Restaurant Guide

Bay Harbor Nomad Located on the waterfront in Bay Harbor, NOMAD offers a vibrant atmosphere that pairs well with its sharable plates, evolving wine list, and...

Power of Estate

The ongoing battle between players in Detroit’s behemoth mortgage industry may have come down to this: who’s living in the pricier homes?Recent purchases of...
Kathy Weaver

Can You Hack It?

Cybersecurity is hardly a new topic, but given the speed with which increasingly sophisticated cybersecurity threats are evolving and proliferating, the security landscape is...

The New Executive Physical

Despite all the efforts in the past 50 years to advance medical care, heart disease remains the No. 1 cause of death in the...

Top Corporate Counsel 2023

Monica M. Barbour University of Detroit Mercy Stephanie L. Barr ITC Holdings David A. Barris Seaver Title Agency and Greco Title Agency Rachel G. Baxter North America Kongsberg Automotive Erin Behler Rock Central Dante...
Courtesy of the Daxton Hotel

Top Hotels in Metro Detroit 2023

Selected by AAA and DBusiness for hospitality excellence
Courtesy of One Campus Martius

Largest Multi-Tenant Office Buildings 2022

1.One Campus Martius 1 Campus Martius, Detroit Total Sq. Ft.: 1,697,000 Avail. Sq. Ft.: 366,123 Office Rent Avg.: NA Owner/Broker: 1000 Webward 2.Penobscot Building 645 Griswold St., Detroit Total Sq. Ft.: 1,149,710 Avail....
Spectrum Health Meijer Heart Center, Grand Rapids // Courtesy of Spectrum Health

Largest Hospital Systems in Michigan 2022

1. SPECTRUM HEALTH* 100 Michigan Ave. NE Grand Rapids 866-989-7999 President/CEO: Tina Freese Decker 2021 Revenue: $9.2B 2020 Revenue: $8.3B 2021 Employees: 31,000 Operations: Spectrum Health Butterworth Hospital; Spectrum Health Reed City...
Courtesy of Suburban Collection Showplace

Largest Meeting Venues in Metro Detroit 2022

DBusiness Magazine's 2020 Largest Meeting Facilities in Metro Detroit. Sources: Detroit Metro Convention and Visitors Bureau and individual organizations.
Downtown Detroit Architecture

Largest Conventions in Metro Detroit 2022-2023

As of August 2020. Sources: Detroit Metro Convention and Visitors Bureau and individual organizations.
Mare Mediterranean in Birmingham. // Photographs by Becky Simonov

2022 Top Business Restaurants in Metro Detroit

All restaurants are reviewed anonymously, all expenses are paid by Hour Media, and the listings have no relationship to advertising in the magazine.
Dickinson Wright's Detroit office. // Courtesy of Dickinson Wright

Metro Detroit’s Top Intellectual Property Law Firms 2022

Firms are ranked by number of metro Detroit area IP attorneys.
Plante Moran, Southfield

Largest Accounting Firms in Metro Detroit 2022

Ranked by Metro Detroit Area Employment
MSGCU in Commerce Township. // Courtesy of Michigan Schools and Government Credit Union

Largest Credit Unions in Metro Detroit 2022

Ranked by 2019 Assets

Largest Law Firms in Metro Detroit 2022

Based on numbers of lawyers in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Washtenaw, and Livingston counties as of March 2021.
building under construction

Largest Contractors in Metro Detroit 2022

The list, the most comprehensive available, was compiled through individual interviews with each respective company. For list purposes, the region includes Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Washtenaw, and Livingston counties.
business deal

Largest Business Insurance Agencies in Metro Detroit 2022

This list, the most comprehensive available, was compiled through individual interviews with each of the respective business insurance agencies. The agencies located in the region — Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Washtenaw, and Livingston counties — are ranked by total 2019 revenue. For agencies with headquarters located outside the region, revenue and employment are based on area activity. Many did not respond due to the COVID-19 situation.
Mission Point Resort dining room

Top Hotels Outside Metro Detroit 2022

Ranked by AAA and DBusiness for hospitality excellence.
health insurance

Largest Accident and Health Insurance Companies in Michigan 2022

Ranked by Michigan Market Share (amounts in thousands of dollars)