SOUTHFIELD — The Michigan Black Chamber of Commerce (MBCC), the governing body for all black chamber of commerce organizations within the state of Michigan, announces the launch of the Southfield Black Chamber of Commerce (SBCC).
The launch of the SBCC will be at 9 a.m. May 15 at the City of Southfield Municipal Complex, room 115. Mayor Brenda L. Lawrence, City of Southfield; Ken Harris, President, Michigan Black Chamber of Commerce; and Charles Beckham, Chairman, Michigan Black Chamber of Commerce plan to attend the opening.
The SBCC continues the expansion by the MBCC to establish chamber organizations in urban areas within the state of Michigan. The SBCC is the second charter launched since the Detroit Black Chamber of Commerce (DBCC) in February 2011.
“The chartering of the Southfield Black Chamber of Commerce builds on the commitment of the Michigan Black Chamber of Commerce to economically empower and sustain African American businesses,” said Keith Echols, President, Southfield Black Chamber of Commerce. “The Southfield Black Chamber supports the Michigan Black Chamber’s vision to revitalize the Michigan economy.”
The SBCC will become a part of a statewide organization, The Michigan Black Chamber of Commerce, and a national network of nearly 2 million black-owned businesses associated with the U.S. Black Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
The MBCC plans to charter and launch additional chapters in the other Michigan cities in 2012.
For more information about the Southfield Black Chamber of Commerce, call 248-258-1002.
For more information on the Michigan Black Chamber of Commerce, visit