More than 13,000 job-seekers and workers will receive training for in-demand technical jobs through grants totaling $12.8 million awarded under Michigan’s Skilled Trades Training Fund, Gov. Rick Snyder announced today.
The training program was established in 2013 by Snyder and the Legislature to help employers develop the talent they need to fill thousands of available skilled-trades jobs. The fiscal year 2016 funding is on track to create more than 3,100 jobs and retain more than 10,000 positions, with more than 350 employers taking advantage of the program.
“Michigan families continue to benefit from a growing economy and a declining unemployment rate,” Snyder says. “Despite these positive trends, there are still too many skilled-trades jobs that employers are struggling to fill. The Skilled Trades Training Fund is an excellent resource that helps employers provide the training that enhances their talent base. The result is more and better jobs for Michigan workers.”
The fund provides competitive awards for employer-responsive training that enhances talent, productivity and employment retention while increasing the quality and competitiveness of Michigan’s businesses. It ensures that employers have the talent they need to compete and grow, and that individuals have the skills they need for in-demand jobs.
“The program’s success is in large part due to its collaborative nature,” said Stephanie Comai, director of Michigan’s Talent Investment Agency, which administers the fund. “By working with their local education, economic development and Michigan Works! partners, employers are meeting their goals of providing demand-driven training that addresses the talent shortages hampering their growth.”
Training programs funded by the program must fill a demonstrated talent need experienced by an eligible participating business. Classroom training must lead to a credential for a skill that is transferrable and recognized by the industry, and leads to permanent full-time employment or continued permanent full-time employment.
Since its inception, the Skilled Trades Training Fund has created more than 4,400 jobs and retained more than 15,000. For more information, visit on the Talent Investment Agency.