Startup Spotlight: Lectric Boil

Jarret Schlaff was planning a camping trip in an area where campfires weren’t allowed due to the possibility of wildfires.
Lectric Boil’s Overlander Model battery-powered portable induction cooking stove and generator is set to hit the market later this year. The company is based in Detroit. // Photo courtesy of Lectric Boil

Jarret Schlaff was planning a camping trip in an area where campfires weren’t allowed due to the possibility of wildfires.

Looking for a solution for a battery-operated cooking stove and generator, he developed Lectric Boil.

“After I did the math to prove you can boil water with a battery, and some exhaustive research to determine if there was a lane to invent something new, I started cooking up a way to bring forward the world‘s first battery-powered, portable induction cooking stove and generator,” says Schlaff, founder of Lectric Boil in Detroit.

Most recently, the Lectric Boil Overlander Model was unveiled at the 2025 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

“We made coffee for folks in minutes on our dual burner induction cooking stove, powered by a robust 120V 20Ah 1kWh lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) battery,” Schlaff says. “Our unit even kept the cell phones charged for the Michigan delegation we shared a booth with.”

The company says it intends to bring the product to market in the fourth quarter of this year.

“We aim to serve campers, outdoor workers, victims of natural disasters — and anyone, anywhere, cooking or surviving off-grid,” Schlaff says.

  • Name: Lectric Boil
  • Address: 15707 Livernois Ave., Detroit
  • Phone Number: 313-922-2322
  • Category: Outdoor recreation
  • Founded: 2022
  • Founder: Jarret Schlaff
  • Number of Employees: 3
  • Most Recent Annual Revenue: Pre-revenue
  • Video Link: Click here

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