Jennifer Dukarski of Butzel Long Appointed to ABA’s Forum Diversity Committee

Jennifer Dukarski
Jennifer Dukarski // Photo courtesy of Butzel Long

Jennifer Dukarski, attorney, shareholder, and leader of the Detroit-based Butzel Long’s connected car working group, has been appointed co-chair of the American Bar Association’s (ABA) forum on the communications law diversity committee.

The committee recognizes the need to include all racial and ethnic groups in the practice of communications law. While encouraging communication company law firms to make efforts to recruit, retain, and promote lawyers of color, it also offers assistance to provide mentoring opportunities to minority lawyers.

Dukarski focuses her practice on communications and technology, with a particular emphasis on issues regarding digital media and content, cybersecurity and privacy, infotainment and shared mobility, and connected and autonomous cars. She has also assisted clients with copyright, defamation, invasion of privacy, and other content-based claims.

“The Forum on Communication Law has dedicated 2020-2021 as the Year of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,” says Dukarski. “Our leadership is passionate about the work of promoting diversity and inclusion. We’re working on strengthening our current programming, including the First Amendment and Media Law Diversity Moot Court Competition, and working on new opportunities to advance these goals in the media bar. I’m deeply honored to be a part of this team at this important time.”

Dukarski is a graduate of the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law, as well as a graduate of the University of Detroit Mercy College of Engineering and Science. She has also served a three-year term as co-chair of the Women in Communication Law Committee of the ABA orum on Communications Law.

Butzel Long has full-service law offices in Ann Arbor, Bloomfield Hills, Detroit, Lansing, New York City, and Washington D.C., as well as an alliance office in Beijing.