The Professional Liability Defense Federation (PLDF), a national organization of legal and
insurance professionals that focuses on the defense of professional liability claims, elected two Southfield-based firm of Collins Einhorn Farrell attorneys to positions of responsibility at its September gathering in Denver.
David Anderson, a shareholder at Collins, was installed as president for 2023-2024. He has successfully defended a wide variety of professional liability claims, ranging from legal
malpractice to claims against accountants, insurance agents, architects and engineers, real estate/title agents, and even fine art appraisers.
Anderson also has successfully defended numerous corporations against product liability claims, including death cases. The mission of the PLDF is to enhance the stature and effectiveness of professional liability defense professionals through education, training, and the exchange of information.
Anderson received his law degree from the University of Detroit Mercy Law School and his
undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
James J. Hunter, a partner at Collins, was elected to the PLDF’s board of directors. Hunter focuses his practice on legal-malpractice defense and defending lawyers and judges in disciplinary matters. Before joining Collins Einhorn, Hunter worked as an assistant prosecuting attorney in Wayne County, and then practiced several years in a white-collar criminal defense firm.
Hunter received his law degree from American University Washington College of Law and his undergraduate degree from Boston University.