Entrepreneurs Forum Coming to Hollywood Casino Greektown in Detroit on May 31

The National Entrepreneurs Association in Southfield will host the 2024 Entrepreneurs Forum, now in its 13th year, which provides a space for entrepreneurs to connect, learn, and grow.
The National Entrepreneurs Association will host the 2024 Entrepreneurs May 31 at Hollywood Casino Greektown in downtown Detroit. // Photo courtesy of Hollywood Casino

The National Entrepreneurs Association in Southfield will host the 2024 Entrepreneurs Forum, now in its 13th year, which provides a space for entrepreneurs to connect, learn, and grow.

The event will take place on Friday, May 31, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m., at Hollywood Casino Greektown in downtown Detroit. The theme of this year’s event is Opportunity Knocks and will focus on new opportunities for entrepreneurs as well as how entrepreneurs can create their own opportunities.

The keynote speaker for the event will be Awenate Cobinna, CEO of Bedford Manufacturing Co., which owns Shinola, the Detroit-based watch brand, and Filson, a 127-year-old clothing brand based in Seattle.

Previously, Awenate was vice president of public and business affairs for Palace Sports & Entertainment and the Detroit Pistons.

Kicking off the event will be Award Winning Entrepreneur/Author Cynthia Kay, honored four times as one of the 50 Most Influential Women in West Michigan.

In addition, David Tessler, co-founder and CEO of Michigan Funders and an angel investor based in metro Detroit, will be a speaker. With extensive experience in alternative financing, Tessler has helped companies raise millions of dollars.

There also will be several panel discussions, including “Opportunity Knocks: How to Create Your Own Opportunities,” moderated by Geneva Williams. Panelists include Pamela Mack founder of The Mack Law Group; Vickie Lewis, founder and CEO of VMX International; Colleen Budde, co-owner of Office Evolution; and Dennis Shaver, entrepreneur/director of product development at Centrepolis Accelerator LTU in Southfield.

“Opportunities are abundant for entrepreneurs. Technology has made it possible to start a business quickly for little cost, which has resulted in more entrepreneurs starting businesses than ever. This forum connects entrepreneurs with needed resources,” says ZaLonya Allen, president of the National Entrepreneurs Association.

There will be eight breakout sessions. Topics include, Social Media, Money Management, Working with Big Business, AI, Funding, Minority Certification, and more.

Sponsors include Comerica Bank and Dell Technologies. The event is open to the public.

Registration is $97 and includes breakfast and lunch. For the full agenda or to register visit nationalentrepreneurs.org or call 248-416-7278.

NEA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization created to empower entrepreneurs to grow and sustain successful businesses through networking events and training programs.