Beth S. Gotthelf, an attorney at Butzel’s Troy office, has been appointed chair of the Michigan Manufacturers Association (MMA) Environmental Policy Committee.
Members actively monitor water, solid waste, remediation, and other environmental issue areas to develop environmental policy priorities for MMA. Gotthelf is Butzel’s director of innovation and external relations and co-chair of the energy and sustainability practice, and co-chair of the aerospace and defense industry team.
Gotthelf has counselled the MMA and its members on a wide variety of issues throughout the years providing insight on ever changing regulations and of late, COVID issues. She also has guided members through the many challenging PFAS impacts in the facility, air, wastewater, stormwater, and soil, not to mention the financial challenges.
Gotthelf has served in a range of roles including general counsel to the Michigan Chapter of the National Association of Surface Finishers (1990-present). In 2021, Gotthelf received the National Association’s prestigious Award of Merit. She created the first wetland bank in Michigan and has been active in a variety of enforcement cases both on behalf of government and industry, most involving multi-million dollar corrective actions.