Habitat for Humanity of Oakland County

Habitat for Humanity of Oakland County logo
Courtesy of Habitat for Humanity of Oakland County

Habitat for Humanity of Oakland County has spent the past 25 years building affordable housing for more than 300 Oakland County residents while helping others realize their homeownership goals. Though COVID-19 has caused the cancellation or postponement of these events, other services, such as the ReStore, are up and running. With the addition of Facebook shopping catalogs, over the phone ordering, and curbside pickup, the ReStore has been able to provide families with below-retail priced furnishings and appliances safely despite the pandemic. Through the Habitat Oakland County Homeownership program, the organization builds or renovates safe, affordable, and energy efficient housing for those in need of quality housing. The program targets first time home buyers that can meet minimal financial requirements so that they can get out of sub-standard housing conditions and move into well-built homes. The Habitat University program is available to serve aspiring homebuyers who need financial planning assistance in order to become mortgage ready within six-12 months. Through the help of a NeighborWorks-certified housing counselor, any hopeful home buyer can review their finances and set up a plan to become homeowners. Beyond homebuilding and ownership programs, Habitat Oakland has events such as Rock the Block and My Habitat Clarkston Impact Weekend, where volunteers complete minor renovations and cleanups on whole sections of neighborhoods over a two-day span.


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