Local Lawyers Specialize in Defending Traffic Tickets, DUI Charges


Two Southfield-based lawyers have created ElimiTix, a law firm dedicated to providing legal services just for traffic violations.

“We want to provide the highest quality legal representation at the most competitive price,” says Matthew Satovsky, co-founder of ElimiTix along with Steven Mamat. “You can hire a lawyer for as a low as $99 to defend any type of traffic ticket.”

Satovsky says ElimiTix provides legal representation for clients charged with speeding, DUI, suspended license, license restoration, non-moving offenses, and no-proof of insurance.

For traffic tickets, clients can upload their ticket and credit card information straight to ElimiTix.com. For drunk driving offenses, traffic crimes, and license restoration, clients must call the office to speak with an attorney.

Satovsky and Mamat, who started the firm last year, handle all of the cases themselves. Representation for traffic ticket defense costs $99, while legal services for a suspended license or a motion to set aside default judgment runs $299.