Detroit Based Launches to Advance Water Solutions

WaterWorks Fund, a Detroit-based online investing platform focused on advancing water solutions, has launched to introduce people to investment opportunities in technology companies and projects seeking investment capital.
The WaterWorks Fund intends to offer investors access to an array of investment opportunities, including those that may use innovative technologies like data analytics, new materials, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and sustainable production methods to improve the world’s water supply. // Stock photo

WaterWorks Fund, a Detroit-based online investing platform focused on advancing water solutions, has launched to introduce people to investment opportunities in technology companies and projects seeking investment capital.

“Many innovative technologies and projects exist to help solve our water problems,” says Lon Johnson, CEO of the WaterWorks Fund. “But too often finding investment capital for these solutions is difficult. That’s where WaterWorks comes in. WaterWorks will be a place for people to learn about water challenges and become partners on potential solutions by investing and owning a piece of the project or company.”

According to Johnson, water problems are coming at a pace and scale for which society too often isn’t prepared.  Because of aging infrastructure, limited public funds, population growth, and climate change WaterWorks believes it’s going to get worse.

“Water problems cannot always be solved by big money and the few, if technology can revolutionize how water is protected and used, then a new way to finance and invest in water solutions must be built,” says Johnson. “WaterWorks can help provide crucial capital for innovative technologies and projects to help address water problems all while creating an ever-expanding community to drive solutions to scale nationwide.”

Johnson says WaterWorks intends to offer investors access to an array of investment opportunities, including those that may use innovative technologies like data analytics, new materials, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and sustainable production methods.

Based in the heart of the Great Lakes region, WaterWorks already has formed partnerships with the Cleveland Water Alliance, TMA BlueTech in San Diego, The Water Council in Milwaukee, Accelerate H20 in Texas, and WaterStart in Nevada.

“Michigan can become a global leader in the use and protection of water,” says Johnson. “We can’t wait, not for government spending, banks, or philanthropy. And water can’t wait.”

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