The oil and gas lease rights to more than 11,000 acres in 12 Michigan counties will be up for auction Monday by the Department of Natural Resources. Michigan has regularly offered oil and gas lease auctions since the 1920s.
“The leasing of state-owned mineral rights is an active program and a critical part of Michigan’s natural resources-based economy,” say Mary Uptigrove, manager for the DNR’s minerals management. “Proceeds from state-owned mineral lease rights are used to purchase land for public use, to maintain and upgrade state and local parks, and to care for and preserve fisheries and wildlife habitat.”
Prospective bidders can contact Kim Venne at 517-335-3242 or by Friday to confirm they are on the authorized bidder list. 

While a prospective lessee might get lease rights at the auction, it does not mean he or she will be allowed to drill a well on the leased parcel. Permits must be secured through the Department of Environmental Quality’s Office of Oil, Gas and Minerals, which regulates the drilling and operation of oil and gas wells. 

The auction will be held at the Lansing Center, 333 E. Michigan Ave. in Lansing. Registration of bidders will begin at 8 a.m. Detailed information regarding location of the nominated parcels available for lease can be found by visiting and selecting Oil & Gas Lease Auction Information, or by calling 517-373-7663.