Battle Creek’s JPG Resources Launches Brandjectory Platform With Two Partners

JPG Resources, a Battle Creek-based food and beverage innovation and commercialization group, has partnered with The Movitz Group in Illinois and The Litchfield Fund in Arizona to launch Brandjectory, a virtual platform designed to connect emerging food and beverage companies and natural products brands with accredited investors.
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JPG Resources helped launch Brandjectory, a platform to connect emerging food and beverage companies and natural products brands with investors. // Stock photo

JPG Resources, a Battle Creek-based food and beverage innovation and commercialization group, has partnered with The Movitz Group in Illinois and The Litchfield Fund in Arizona to launch Brandjectory, a virtual platform designed to connect emerging food and beverage companies and natural products brands with accredited investors.

By combining social media, instant communication, and file distribution tools, Brandjectory allows for both public and private communication between brands and investors. Brands can post pictures, videos, links, and other media to their pages for investors to view while keeping confidential files private and accessible only by investors the brand connects with. Investors can launch searches for specific brands, follow brands for updates, and connect with other investors to share tips and tricks.

“Brandjectory facilitates discovery, connection, communication, and information exchange between brands and investors. They can build a relationship and stay updated in real time,” says Michael Movitz, founder and managing partner of The Movitz Group. “Brandjectory allows brands to tell their story as they grow and for investors to learn about all aspects of a brand before engaging in more direct dialogue. And adoption should be easy, as Brandjectory uses a familiar social media format that incorporates both public and private features.”

For the past two years, the partners have been working to simplify and improve communication between brands and investors beyond traditional in-person meetings and trade shows. After spending time in beta with brands including Toasted Oat Bakehouse, Petit Pot, Square Baby, and Tea Squares and investors such as 2X Consumer Growth Partners and The Angel Group, Brandjectory is opening its doors to the rest of the industry.

“Brandjectory is a specialized platform unlike any other in the industry,” says Jeff Grogg, managing director of JPG Resources. “This social-based platform generates a culture of open communication and collaboration to help empower and inspire both brands and investors. We are incredibly passionate about nurturing the growth of our industry and facilitating investment when early-stage brands need it most. I look forward to seeing the relationships – and results – Brandjectory will foster as its community and members grow.”

In response to current events and a need for efficient and effective communication, for a limited time Brandjectory is offering two months of free access to the platform.

As it launches, Brandjectory will receive additional support and guidance from Entrepreneur NEXT after recently winning its Entrepreneur NEXT contest based on its purpose, entrepreneurship, and ability to think outside the box to solve problems. The contest is designed to help entrepreneurs start a business or grow an existing venture.