Dearborn-based Five More Talents, which develops websites for churches, has created a COVID-19 dashboard that gives churches tools to continue to operate throughout the pandemic.
“Five More Talents has been developing websites for churches throughout North America for more than 10 years now,” says Doug Vos, president. “Because we’re aware of the limited technical and financial resources many churches have, we felt compelled to step up. Within two weeks our team put together the COVID-19 dashboard to give churches recommended tools and resources for online giving, video streaming, and alternatives for staying connected while self-distancing.”
The company is also scheduling free educational webinars for churches interested in receiving more information about available tools as well as ways to protect against hacking and phishing attacks.
“Much of this technology is new for a lot of churches, so they do need guidance and education in adjusting to a new normal,” Vos says. “They also need online giving so they can still care for the elderly and vulnerable in their church and community. As our company name suggests, we are glad to offer our talents to give churches hope and help them weather this crisis.”
David Nakhla, disaster response coordinator for the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, headquartered in Pennsylvania, was one of the first to preview the tool.
“This dashboard provides a comprehensive list of helpful resources useful to churches scrambling to update their online communications during this time of crisis.”
Five More Talents offers ready-to-go and custom designed websites for churches of all sizes along with web hosting, monitoring, and security protection.