Four Tips for Hiring an Awesome Software Engineer
Hiring a developer shouldn’t be much harder than hiring a non-technical person to join your team.
Celebrating Startups and Techweek in Detroit
It’s time for an event to celebrate and strengthen the growing entrepreneurial community in downtown Detroit.
Avoiding the Achilles’ Heel of Every Great Idea
Innovation is Rewarded but Execution Is Worshiped.
24 Business Insights from Billionaire Dan Gilbert
There is no Plan B; Plan B would distract from Plan A.
Sell the Benefits, Not the Features
It seems obvious, but most start-ups fail to do this.
How a Successful Tech Startup Went Down The Tubes
It was July 2008. We had just signed all the docs to close the sale of ParentsClick to Lifetime Television, their first digital acquisition. Our flagship products, MothersClick (a social network for moms) and Mom Blog Network (the largest mom blogger network at the time), along with FathersClick, and our nationwide network of parenting sites, were now part of the largest TV network for women, Lifetime Television.