Stahls Automotive Foundation Hosts Veterans Day Open House


CHESTERFIELD — Stahls Automotive Foundation is hosting an open house at Stahls Auto Museum from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Nov. 11, Veterans Day.

Located at 56516 North Bay Dr. in Chesterfield, the museum is home to over 100 historically significant cars from the Brass, Vintage, Pre War, Post War, and Modern Eras.  In addition to the vintage cars, and other memorabilia on display, guests also will have an opportunity to view special presentations and enjoy interactive exhibits intended to commemorate this day of recognition and remembrance.

“One of the purposes of this event is to encourage open discussion about history between the generations, to allow veterans to share their stories,” says Ted Stahl, creator of Stahls Automotive Foundation. “We are humbled to be able to recognize veterans in this way. My father served in the Pacific and my brother is also a veteran. We have many family members who have served or are still serving.”

There will also be military vehicles on loan from The Detroit Arsenal for Democracy available for viewing. Representatives from Certified Senior Solutions will have advisors at the event to provide assessment, and link families and veterans with the services and professionals they need.

This is a free family event for all ages, and open to the public. The Stahl Family will match any donations made on this day, with proceeds going to the Wounded Warrior Project.

For more information visit, or call 586-749-1078.