S3 Entertainment Group’s Distinguished Film Industry Training Program Leads to Successful Job Placement

Program success extends classes with Oakland Community College

DETROIT, October 9, 2009 – S3 Entertainment Group (S3), a Ferndale, Mich.-based direct provider of the infrastructure necessary for successful film production in the state, and Oakland Community College (OCC), the largest community college system in the state of Michigan, today announced the continuation of its FIT Film Industry Training (FIT) program, the most successful and results-generating film industry training course in Michigan. Jeffrey Spilman, managing partner of S3, made the announcement.

Since its February 2009 debut, FIT has trained and graduated over 250 students, half of whom are currently in paid film industry positions and represent the development and foundation of Michigan film infrastructure. FIT graduates are currently working on Red Dawn, Game of Death and The Wannabes. Previously, FIT grads were in paid positions on Little Murder, The Irishman and Stone.

Following the outstanding student success as a result of FIT, a new series of training will be presented throughout the fall. The next session, an Introduction to Film Industry Production Accounting will begin on Monday, October 12th. The FIT courses are offered through OCC and taught at S3EG’s studio and headquarters in Ferndale. Available courses include an introduction to Film Special FX, Film Industry Overview, Grip/Electric/Generator Operator, Introduction to the Film Art Department and Introduction to the Camera Department.

“It’s extremely fulfilling to know that the FIT classes are providing these students with the opportunity to embark on real careers in Michigan,” said Spilman. “FIT graduates are already working on major film and television projects, driving forth one of the only industries in Michigan that is rapidly growing.”

All students work hand in hand with experienced film industry professionals to develop a working knowledge of the jobs available in Michigan’s emerging feature film industry, as well to develop the skills required to work in these areas. In addition to classroom training, students will work in an actual studio setting at S3, with the largest inventory of grip, electric, and specialty equipment in Michigan. At the conclusion of these two-week, 40-hour training courses, graduates of FIT will be presented with internship opportunities in the film industry, both on feature films, as well as with S3’s film support companies.

For more information on the FIT program, please email fit@s3eg.com or visit www.S3eg.com.

S3 Entertainment Group (S3) is a Michigan-based direct provider of the infrastructure necessary for successful film production in the state and a premier liaison in bringing film productions into Michigan.  With additional offices in California, S3 serves as a gateway to help filmmakers get everything that they need in Michigan in order to have a successful production experience. S3’s wide variety of services includes production services; equipment and gear rental; tax incentive information, funding and processing, film finance, location services, music licensing, travel and catering and craft services. S3 also provides expert analysis of productions to take full advantage of Michigan’s film related tax credits. S3 has worked on many of the films that have shot in Michigan and was the local producer for Clint Eastwood’s film, “Gran Torino.” For more information, please visit www.S3eg.com.