BLOOMFIELD HILLS — Oakland Community College Chancellor Tim Meyer has named Dr. Gordon May, 63, president of the Auburn Hills Campus, effective immediately.
While continuing his duties as President of the Highland Lakes Campus, Dr. May also served as Auburn Hills’ Interim President since the untimely passing of President David Mathews in February 2013.
“Gordon May has proven himself as OCC’s versatile ‘utility infielder,’ filling in with excellence in whatever role the college requires,” Chancellor Meyer said.
Dr. May’s most recent role as Auburn Hills Campus Interim President, from March to the present, was his third such assignment. He was Interim President from Nov. to Dec. 2012 and in 1998-99. He has been Highland Lakes Campus President since Sept. 2002.
Dr. May began his career at OCC as business faculty adjunct in 1986. At various intervals from 1987 to 1999, he was Director and later Executive Director of the Pontiac Center. In the late 1990s, he was an Interim Dean at Auburn Hills and Highland Lakes, and served as Executive Director at Royal Oak/Southfield prior to his appointment to the Highland Lakes presidency.
He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management from Indiana University, a Master’s of Education degree, Education Specialist certificate and PhD in Educational Leadership from Wayne State University. He has taught graduate classes in higher education at both Wayne State University and Oakland University.