Oakland County Awarded Membership in the Association of Film Commissioners International


WATERFORD, Mich., October 15, 2009 – Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson is pleased to announce that the Oakland County Film Office has been awarded full membership in the Association of Film Commissioners International (AFCI).

In 2008, Oakland County established the Oakland County Film Office, and its companion website, OaklandCountyFilm.com, to assist film, video and digital media companies and productions, as well as provide assistance to Oakland County’s 61 cities, villages and townships. In just the past year, more than a dozen productions have chosen Oakland County, including “Prayers for Bobby,” HBO’s popular series, “Hung,” Drew Barrymore’s “Whip It,” Clint Eastwood’s “Gran Torino,” and the upcoming releases “Red Dawn,” “Highland Park,” HBO’s “You Don’t Know Jack,” “Demoted,” “All’s Faire in Love,” and “Youth in Revolt.”

The AFCI is the official professional organization for film commissioners who assist film, television and video production throughout the world. It is a non-profit educational association whose members serve as city, county, state, regional, provincial or national film commissioners for their respective governmental jurisdictions. There are more than 300 AFCI-Member Film Commissions worldwide.

For more information about the Oakland County Film Office, call 877-651-FILM or visit OaklandCountyFilm.com.