BERKLEY — M1 Imaging, the newest MRI center in metro Detroit, is now offering MRI technology to give patients and health care providers a clearer picture, leading to better diagnoses.
“Patients benefit from having more complete information, more appropriate investigational MRIs, and the validation that their doctor understands the root cause of their pain,” says Dr. Chintan Desai, musculoskeletal neuroradiologist.
M1 Imaging Center holds a Michigan license for a MRI device that gives a more accurate assessment of a patient’s pain during a lumbar MRI by adding the effect of weight bearing, says Dr. Desai.
The device was developed by NASA to help astronauts re-entering Earth’s atmosphere. In MRIs, it enables more specific diagnosis of the lumbar spine.
“What we see may be the difference between conservative treatment and surgery,” says Joshua Katke, CEO of M1 Imaging.
Katke says the new technology makes it possible to gain 70 percent more information than standard imaging and only takes 12 minutes for one scan.