FLINT — McLaren Health Care has earned full accreditation by the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs, hospital officials announced today.
It’s a milestone for McLaren’s research community says Lana Gevorkyan, corporate director of McLaren’s Human Research Protections Program.
“AAHRPP provides tangible evidence that the McLaren system is committed to maintaining the highest standards for research by protecting the rights and welfare of our research participants,”Gevorkyan says.
The primary purpose of the association’s accreditation is to strengthen protections for research participants in order to build public trust and confidence in research.
Included in the McLaren accreditation are all of its medical centers throughout the state, including Bay City, Flint, Lapeer, Lansing, Mount Clemens, Mount Pleasant, Petoskey, and Pontiac – and McLaren Cancer Institute headquartered in Burton.
“AAHRPP accreditation signifies an organization’s commitment to the highest level of research protections — all to the benefit of the research participants we are pledged to protect,” says Elyse Summers, the association’s president and CEO.
The accreditation is available to U.S.. and international organizations that conduct biomedical, behavioral or social sciences research involving human participants.