April-Joi Colbert-Smith, owner and CEO of Lux Hair Elements LLC of Farmington Hills, was recently named to the National Small Business Association Leadership Council. NSBA is the nation’s oldest small-business advocacy organization.
Colbert-Smith joins the NSBA Leadership Council along with others across the country as they promote the interests of small businesses to policymakers in Washington, D.C.
“As a small-business owner, I see daily the importance of being involved and active when it comes to laws and regulation,” says Colbert-Smith. “Joining NSBA’s Leadership Council will enable me to take our collective small business message to the people that need to hear it most: Congress.”
April-Joi, “AJ,” was born and raised in Detroit and is a beautician with an extension and retail brand. The mission of the brand extends beyond beauty, encouraging female empowerment and aiming to teach collaboration over competition among women and girls.
Colbert-Smith joined the NSBA Leadership Council as part of her efforts to tackle critical issues facing small business, including tax reform, regulatory restraint, health care costs, and how the Affordable Care Act will impact small business.
The NSBA Leadership Council is focused on providing essential networking between small
business advocates from across the country. It also works to ensure small businesses a seat at the table as Congress and regulators take up key small-business proposals.
“I am proud to have April-Joi Colbert-Smith as part of our Leadership Council,” says Todd
McCracken, president and President and CEO of NSBA. “She came to us highly recommended, and I look forward to our coordinated efforts for years to come.”