Leon & Lulu Announces August, September Girls Nights Out


CLAWSON — Leon & Lulu’s Girls Night Out events continue to delight and entertain guests each month with themes that focus on the unique and discerning tastes of women. The events are free-of-charge and held from 6-8 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month at Leon & Lulu. Guests will enjoy wine, goodies, great women, and fantastic tips at each event.

August & September Girls Night Out Events:

Tue., August 6: Bridal fashion enthusiast Viola Prater will display and discuss her collection of exquisite vintage wedding gowns. Guests and brides-to-be will learn about charming details and silhouettes perfect for each body type. Hair and makeup stylists from Changez Salon and Spa of Royal Oak will be on hand to provide personalized consultations for guests, and Arthur Murray Dance instructors will give tips to anyone looking to brush on their ballroom skills. Proceeds from sales during the event will support AIDS Walk Detroit. Please visit www.aidswalkdetroit.org for more information.

Sun., Sept. 8: It’s Girls Day Out at Leon & Lulu from 1-4 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 8. Leon & Lulu will take a break from its usual Tuesday evening theme to help women find a favorite new outfit and a new best friend at its 2013 fall fashion show. Leon & Lulu stylists have organized a drool worthy show. See fabulous shoppers model the latest trends while walking adorable adoptable dogs down the runway. Almost Home Animal Rescue, a no-kill shelter, will be on hand to find loving homes for pets in need.

Visit www.leonandlulu.com/girlsnightout for more details.