Grand Traverse Resort & Spa Completes $7M Room Renovation


Acme-based Grand Traverse Resort and Spa has completed a $7 million renovation on its 17-story glass-encased tower, which caps a $34 million investment in improving all aspects of the facility. 

“The renovation has brought us up to date and will allow us to meet or exceed our guests’ expectations,” says Timothy Norman, the resort’s general manager. “It also will give us a boost with the travelers or visitors we are trying to get to come to the region.” 

From bathroom fixtures, tile, window treatments, carpeting, and bedding, everything in the rooms was taken out and replaced in an updating designed by Winters Park Florida-based firm Niemann Interiors. The renovations of the rooms comes after a two-year stretch of renovations of the other original 240 hotel rooms in the six-story section of the complex where $2.7 million was spent on new carpet, bedding, furniture, and flat screen televisions. 

Every area of the resort, from a $4 million reconfiguration and rebuild of the parking lot, to new cart paths and other improvements on the golf courses, has seen upgrades.  A new fire sprinkler system, a new heating and cooling system ,and three miles of underground fiber-optic cable installed throughout the property to improve Wi-Fi internet access, have also been added. 

 “We are already in the works for next year’s plans,” Norman says. “We are in the middle of working with ownership on a five year plan so we are always revamping and looking at what’s next and we are working on next year’s budget right now, setting those goals, and deciding what areas we are going to next work on that are not guest rooms.”