General Motors Engineer Wins 2014 SAE Award


Rami Debouk of the General Motors Research and Development Center in Warren has received the 2014 Society of Automotive Engineers InterRegs Standards & Regulations Award in recognition of his research, analysis, and development of system safety processes and standards.

UK-based InterRegs has been promoting vehicle safety for a number of years by recognizing the work of engineers in the global automotive industry. InterRegs CEO Rebecca Rubio and SAE President Daniel Hancock presented the engraved award trophy to Debouk at this year’s SAE Government/Industry meeting in Washington, D.C. The award includes the trophy and $1,000 honorarium.

Debouk has worked since 2000 at the General Motors Electrical and Controls Systems Research Laboratory, where he has been involved in surveying system safety processes and standards used in the analysis of automotive safety critical systems.  He was heavily involved in the development of ISO 26262: Functional Safety — Road Vehicles Standard, and is actively involved in several safety-related societies and committees.