DETROIT — Ford Motor Co. will host the Michigan Council of Women in Technology’s ninth annual black-tie Signature Gala on Nov. 8. Event proceeds will benefit MCWT in its mission to inspire and grow women in technology.
More than 40 companies are supporting the gala, including Diamond sponsors AT&T and Cisco, and Emerald sponsor Netlink. The event, typically drawing 500 people, will take place at the Dearborn Inn in Dearborn, complete with a cocktail reception, dinner, silent and live auctions, and entertainment. The evening offers opportunities to network with professionals dedicated to seeing Michigan’s IT industry thrive.
“MCWT is seizing the moment to create a stronger impact in our state,” said MCWT President Maru Flores. “As demand for IT workers continues to rise, we are honing in on the most effective and compelling ways to inspire women to make their mark in this dynamic industry. Our efforts are fueled by the many partners who support us at Gala and contribute to MCWT programs throughout the year.”
Flores says MCWT’s vision is to make Michigan the No. 1 state for women in technology. The organization’s strategy is to broadly reach young girls to get them to consider technology and deeply connect with young women who choose the IT path — with the continued strong support of its 65 partners and 700 members.
Companies and individuals are welcome to donate an item for the gala’s silent auction or sponsor a table by contacting Registration available at