Evergreen Road Improvement to Begin in May


SOUTHFIELD — After much initial ground work securing funding and developing plans, Evergreen Road will undergo a $12 million improvement this spring.

The project will begin construction the first week of May and is expected to be completed by the spring 2015 and will involve the reconstruction of a one-mile segment of Evergreen Road from the existing six and seven-lane road into a four-lane boulevard with a roundabout at Evergreen and Civic Center Drive and a roundabout at Evergreen and the north Municipal Campus driveway.

The project will incorporate many new amenities that will make the corridor more pedestrian-friendly and attractive, including: a major mid-block crossing and plaza that will be constructed between the two roundabouts, a wide path that will be constructed on the east side of Evergreen from I-696 to Filmore Street with benches and landscaping, as well as decorative street lighting.

Innovative stormwater features will also be incorporated into the project to provide water quality improvements before discharge to our storm sewers. The stormwater drains and water mains will be replaced and upgraded — improving the functionality of the sewer system and helping to maximize the lifespan of city’s infrastructure. Southfield will also construct a rain garden adjacent to the tennis courts and install pervious pavers behind the curb between the roundabouts. Additionally, the power distribution system at the Southfield Municipal Campus will be relocated from the front lawn to north of the tennis courts.

The project is expected to cost about  $12 million, with $4.8 million in federal transportation funding for the road reconstruction and $450,000 from a Michigan Transportation Alternatives Program grant for the pedestrian amenities and stormwater mitigation features.  The City’s Water & Sewer Fund will contribute $3.5 million and the Major Street Fund will contribute $700,000. The Metro Act Fund will provide $1 million, the City Centre Advisory Board will contribute $100,000 toward the pedestrian amenities, and the Local Improvement Revolving Fund  will fund the remaining $1.5 million.

 Evergreen Road will remain open to traffic during construction, maintaining one lane in each direction. The project will improve Evergreen Road and the surrounding area in numerous ways, including: the complete replacement of deteriorated pavement; correction of storm water system inadequacies; improved traffic flow and safety; enhanced pedestrian amenities; creation of a strong link between east and west sides of Evergreen; and overall beautification of the corridor and city.

A public meeting will be held from 4-6 p.m. Tuesday in room 221 of the Southfield Parks & Recreation Building, 26000 Evergreen Rd. Staff from the Engineering, Planning and Public Works Departments will provide an overview of the project and answer any questions.