DIA Earns Charity Navigator's 4-Star Rating


DETROIT —The Detroit Institute of Arts has earned a 4-star rating for its sound fiscal management practices and commitment to accountability from Charity Navigator, an independent charity evaluator.

The DIA received a score of 65.58 out of a possible 70, higher than New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Art Institute of Chicago, Cleveland Museum of Art, and Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

“We are very proud of our 4-star rating, which puts the DIA in the top 25 percent of charities nationwide,” said Graham W. J. Beal, DIA director. “We hold the museum and its collection in trust for the public and take our responsibility very seriously. With this designation, our members, donors, and tri-county residents can be further assured that the museum is being managed according to the highest standards of fiscal management, accountability, and transparency.”