Detroit Zoo Seeks Volunteers for Penguin Exhibits

The Detroit Zoo issued a call for volunteers who are “passionate about penguins” ahead of the April opening of the Polk Penguin Conservation Center, which will be the world’s largest penguin facility.

The Detroit Zoo issued a call for volunteers who are “passionate about penguins” ahead of the April opening of the Polk Penguin Conservation Center, which will be the world’s largest penguin facility.

“We expect to be busier than ever (this year), and the anticipated increase in attendance makes all volunteer positions equally important,” says volunteer services manager Linda Denomme.

No experience is required for the volunteer positions, and volunteers will not interact directly with zoo animals. Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older.

For those under 18, the Detroit Zoological Society invites youths to join its “Volunteen” program, which sees teens teach zoo guests about wildlife in hands-on activities.

The first volunteer orientation session will take place from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on March 5. Applicants must pre-register by phone at 248 541-5717 ext. 3802 or via email at