Detroit Partnership Teams with Lambert, Edwards & Associates


DETROIT — Lambert, Edwards & Associates, one of Michigan’s top-ranked public relations agencies, has been named to lead and develop strategies to raise visibility and spread awareness about community events and programs for the Downtown Detroit Partnership.

The Downtown Detroit Partnership is a nonprofit organization with the mission to create a high-quality urban environment to enhance the experience of living, working, and playing in downtown Detroit.

“Teaming up with the Downtown Detroit Partnership is in many ways the natural progression of both LE&A’s emergence as the leading PR firm in downtown Detroit and DDP’s momentum as the chief advocate, service provider and steward of Detroit and its acceleration,” says Jeff Lambert, president of the firm.

As agency of record, LE&A will provide traditional public relation and also manage DDP’s digital and social media networks.

Formed by corporate, civic and philanthropic leaders Downtown Detroit partnership plans, manages, and supports downtown Detroit through diverse, resilient and economically urban initiatives. Some of the programs under their leadership include Downtown Detroit BIZ (Business Improvement Zone), Detroit Experience Factory, Campus Martius Park, Build Institute and the Live Downtown program.