Detroit Composer to Perform Original Armenian Massacre Composition


Farmington Hills-based composer Dan Yessian will perform a new composition on Oct. 29, titled “An Armenian Trilogy,” in honor of the 100 year anniversary of the Armenian massacre.

“For the past 43 years our company, Yessian Music, has been creating original music for national TV commercials, movie trailers, and theme parks,” says Yessian. “This was a different kind of opportunity and a challenge I couldn’t resist – retelling the story of my ancestors in the way I do best, through music.”

“An Armenian Trilogy” includes three movements for violin and piano, and will eventually be scored for an orchestra. Yessian, who was born in America, grew up hearing about the genocide in Armenia from his grandparents. 

The event, which takes place at 7.30 p.m., at the Macomb Center for the Performing Arts, 44575 Garfield Rd., will be followed by a multi-media concert showcasing photographs from the period and a performance by the Detroit Chamber Winds and Strings. 

Yessian Music’s recent projects include providing the music for the 9/11 Memorial Museum in New York, and rearranging and recording the music for the United Airlines recent commercials at Abbey Road Studios in London.

For more information, and to purchase tickets, visit