JACKSON — As part of its commitment to Pure Michigan Business Connect, Consumers Energy is launching a “Buy Michigan” initiative for its business energy efficiency program.
The new initiative complements Consumers Energy’s “Michigan first” buying strategy which in the last year awarded 429 purchase orders to 198 Michigan businesses. The utility recently doubled to $500 million its commitment to Pure Michigan Business Connect.
The Buy Michigan program is an added incentive for commercial and industrial customers participating in the Consumers Energy Business Solutions energy efficiency rebate program. Customers who install energy efficient equipment in their facilities may be eligible to receive rebates from Consumers Energy for these upgrades. In addition to the standard rebates, to help promote Michigan businesses, the Buy Michigan program offers an extra incentive bonus of 15 percent for energy efficient equipment that is manufactured in Michigan.
The Buy Michigan program is available to Consumers Energy Business Solutions program participants – business owners, contractors and trade allies. Incentives from Consumers Energy make energy efficiency upgrades affordable and easier to implement, leading to energy improvements and reducing costs.
“We’re excited to offer this additional incentive to our customers,” said Fred Alatalo, business energy efficiency operations director for Consumers Energy. “Energy efficiency rebates are a great opportunity for customers to reduce their energy use and their utility costs. The extra incentive for products that are manufactured in Michigan helps promote Michigan based manufacturing.”
For more information on the Consumers Energy Business Solutions energy efficiency program and available rebates or the Buy Michigan initiative contact the Consumers Energy Business Solutions team at (877) 607-0737 or visit the website at: www.consumersenergy.com/mybusiness.