Troy, MI – Concours Car Selection Chair, Brian Joseph announced the debut class, Pioneer Cars pre-1900. The cars invited to show in this class will have been manufactured before 1900. Interestingly, steam, internal and external combustion and electrical motors had all been attempted by the late -1800s. Joseph said, “Displaying cars built this early will give the public an idea of the rich history of motor cars.”
An 1899/1900 Orient Autogo with a De Dion Bouton engine and Forecar Kit is registered to be on the show field. This vehicle has undergone an extensive restoration since it was literally a basket case when purchased by its current owner. At some point in this car’s history, it was disassembled and buried in Massachusetts. Owner Dennis Carlson said, “I was initially stunned at the shape the parts were in, from having been buried for so long.” Carlson did extensive research in order to complete his meticulous restoration.
Cars like this were shown at the first United States Auto Show held November 3-8, 1900 at Madison Garden in New York. Potential customers were able to test drive vehicles around a perimeter track.
Over 300 cars will be displayed on the show field at St. John’s in July. Classes will span from the Pioneer era through the late 1960s, including American and European manufacturers. Special features this year will include Trans-Am cars, Three Wheel Motorcycles and Slingshot Rails.
The Concours will return to The Inn at St. John’s in Plymouth, Michigan for 2012. After an amazing inaugural show last year, the buzz is on for what’s in store. The show will be Sunday, July 29, 2012 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. This is an exciting group of automobiles, not to be missed. Please subscribe to our Facebook page and visit our website for updates.