TROY — Almost 1.5 million non-profit organizations are currently operating in the U.S. today. All together, the sector currently outpaces the national job growth average and is the third largest labor force behind retail and manufacturing. In Southeastern Michigan, non-profit work is vital, especially to communities with stressed local governments struggling to provide basic civic services. Harvey Hohauser & Associates, a leading executive search firm in Troy, recognizes the need for executive candidates is adding to their team enhancing their sector specific specialties.
President Todd Hohauser says, “It’s essential for non-profit leadership to be well- rounded experience with business strategy. In fact, sustainability depends on it. We have expanded our team to provide non-profit organizations with exceptional candidates that will take the lead in meeting the organization’s challenges and opportunities.”
The addition of Ashley Picklo, manager, Candidate Development enhances HH&A’s team of seasoned professionals. Ashley brings a keen understanding of the industry, extensive experience working with local non-profits and a degree from the University of Detroit Mercy.
Harvey Hohauser & Associates has developed the academic training and empirical background required to identify dynamic management talent for over 25 years. The team has an understanding from both sides of the spectrum and a wealth of board experience including Homes for Autism and The Epileptic Association of Michigan. Eric Hohauser is currently president of The Epileptic Association of Michigan and Harvey Hohauser recently received the 2012 Golden Service Award for many years of dedication to Homes for Autism where he served as past president.
The consultative retained search process at HH&A allows for ideal placement, regardless of organizational size or culture, applying experience and first-hand knowledge of what works, especially well with non-profits.