Justin G. Klimko, president and managing shareholder at Butzel Long, received the Meritorious Service Award from the Association for Corporate Growth-Detroit Chapter
ACG is a global organization with 57 chapters and more than 14,500 members including professionals from private equity firms, corporations and lenders that invest in middle-market companies, as well as from law, accounting, investment banking and other firms that provide advisory services.
Klimko, based in the firm’s Detroit office, has experience in securities regulation, corporate financing, mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance and general corporate matters. He has also taught corporation law as an adjunct professor at the University of Detroit Mercy Law School.
Klimko is a past chair of the Business Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan. He serves as Chair of the Section’s Corporate Laws Committee, which prepares amendments to Michigan corporate statutes for legislative approval to keep Michigan corporate law current with modern trends and developments.
He also is a member of the Legal Opinions Committee, the Negotiated Acquisitions Committee and the Federal Regulation of Securities Committee of the American Bar Association.