Birmingham Plastic Surgeon to Host BRA Day


On Oct. 17, Birmingham plastic surgeon Ellen Janetzke will host a Breast Reconstruction Awareness (BRA) event to promote education, awareness and access for women who may wish to consider breast reconstruction after mastectomy.

In support of breast cancer awareness, Dr. Janetzke will be sharing breast reconstruction success stories and accepting modest donations for My Hope Chest – the only national organization focused on treatment for uninsured breast cancer survivors.

Attendees can enter raffles for jewelry, skin care products and cosmetic treatments. A bra-decorating contest will be held and breast reconstruction patients can enter to be a model for a Karlee Smith Limited catalog, specializing in postsurgical garments. There will also be a celebratory balloon launch.

RSVP by calling 248-258-5100 or send an email through The event takes place from 1-8 p.m. at Dr. Ellen Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 390 Park Street, Suite 201.

Prizes and advertising has been provided by sponsors: Metals in Time Jewelers, Sciton, Mentor, Neocutis, Allergan, Radiesse, Karlee Smith LTD, Hour Magazine, Birmingham Now and Bloomfield Hills Living.