Belle Isle Prepares for Transition to State Park


DETROIT — Belle Isle Park will begin a transition to becoming Michigan’s 102nd state park, following action by the Local Emergency Financial Assistance Loan Board.

The board accepted a lease approved by Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr, Michigan Department of Natural Resources Director Keith Creagh, Michigan Department of Transportation Director Kirk Steudle and Gov. Rick Snyder. The lease will guide state management of the park. Under the lease terms, the city maintains ownership of Belle Isle while the DNR assumes responsibility for managing Belle Isle according to the high standards of its award-winning state park system. The Michigan Department of Transportation will assume responsibility for roads and bridges on Belle Isle.

“This is a city-state partnership that makes good sense for the future of Belle Isle and the people of Detroit,” said Snyder. “Everyone wants this Detroit gem to offer a clean, safe and welcoming park environment, while lessening the financial burden on the city. Those are the driving principles behind this agreement.”

State management of the island will save Detroit an estimated $4 million a year. In addition, the state will invest in the island through a variety of sources, including grants, bonds and donations from private organizations willing to partner in the park’s revitalization.

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