Beaver Aerospace & Defense and Skytronics to Showcase Total Lifecycle Support for Flight Control Components at MRO Americas 2012


LIVONIA — Beaver Aerospace & Defense, a subsidiary of Phillips Service Industries (PSI) and global leader in the design and manufacturing of unique and broad-range actuation technologies, will showcase its refined design and engineering capabilities of flight control components at MRO Americas 2012. During these uncertain economic times, MRO personnel who oversee the operation of commercial and military aircraft must develop effective cost-management strategies to maintain their fleets. Beaver offers cost-effective design and manufacturing solutions for MRO professionals that need new and/or replacement actuation components, such as ball screws, actuators, splines and gears. With nearly six decades of experience serving the commercial and military aerospace industry, Beaver is the industry leader in customer satisfaction, with a track record for on-time delivery that exceeds 99%.

At MRO Americas, Beaver will exhibit with another subsidiary of PSI, Skytronics, Inc. of El Segundo, CA. Skytronics is a leading provider of repair and overhaul services for commercial and military aircraft actuation systems and ball screw assemblies. Established in 1956, Skytronics has been an FAA-approved Repair Station for over 50 years, and also holds approvals from the EASA, CAAC and Boeing. In addition, Skytronics holds licensed parts manufacturing authority (PMA) on stabilizer ball screws for Boeing 747/737/727/707 aircraft.

“Beaver Aerospace & Defense is proud to exhibit with the aftermarket specialists at Skytronics,” said Lee Pichan, Sales Director at Beaver Aerospace & Defense. “Together, Beaver and Skytronics offer total lifecycle support for flight control components, from design and engineering, to aftermarket sales and repair services.”