Baker Tilly and Collins Barrow Join Forces


The Southfield office of accounting and advisory firm Baker Tilly Virchow Krause LLP and the Windsor, Ontario-based office of the accounting firm Collins Barrow today announced they have joined forces to create a service desk to provide service to U.S. and Canadian companies and organizations looking to invest and expand in cross-border initiatives.

“We believe this alliance will bring a strong global reach for those companies looking to invest and do business between the United States and Canada,” said Alan Whitman, Baker Tilly managing partner. “Since we’re right across the border from each other, we want to assist organizations in both countries know and understand the key regulations so that business expansion is seamless.”

Whitman said both firms provide expertise in areas including assurance and related compliance services, cross-border financing for new business ventures, globalization through mergers and acquisitions, and international tax consulting. He also said that the new model is important because the trade that passes through the Michigan/Ontario border surpasses trade between the U.S. and Mexico.

“There is substantial presence and capabilities to help any company successfully complete any business transaction,” said Scott Dupuis, tax partner at Collins Barrow. “Both countries have abundant natural resources, a highly skilled work force and a robust financial sector — attractive places to invest.”

Whitman says Baker Tilly and Collins Barrow, both independent members of Baker Tilly International, are equipped to offer resources and assistance to help clients invest and grow, especially with a healthier business climate.