Michigan State University Students Create LaparAssist to Improve OR Communication

Michigan State University biomedical engineering doctoral students in East Lansing are working with Henry Ford Innovations in Detroit to develop better ways for surgeons to teach students during laparoscopic procedures.
MSU Henry Ford equipment
The collaboration between MSU students and Henry Ford Innovation had led to the development of new surgical training technology. // Photo courtesy of Henry Ford Health

Michigan State University biomedical engineering doctoral students in East Lansing are working with Henry Ford Innovations in Detroit to develop better ways for surgeons to teach students during laparoscopic procedures.

“Physicians always have good ideas but no time to do anything with them,” says Dr. Annmarie L.  Vilkins, an obstetrics and gynecology doctor at Henry Ford Medical Group.

During a laparoscopic procedure, communication is key, particularly at any medical training institution. This becomes challenging when the attending surgeon has both hands occupied with laparoscopic instruments and then must rely on verbal communication only.

Vilkins’ concept was to use a laser pointer mounted to headgear. She could then use her head as an extra hand to show the trainee exactly where to go by pointing out what is happening on the monitor they use to see inside the patient. While many safety measures and practices are in place already, this would add another layer of safety by enhancing communication.

“It’s a communication aid to help trainees grow,” says Vilkins. “The surgeon is always in complete control. This only enhances safety – it allows me to double, and triple check the trainee before they do anything. We are always looking for ways to enhance surgical education.”

The laser pointer on the headgear uses Bluetooth technology and is activated by a pedal on the floor. All the surgeon needs to do is press the pedal and point the laser to the spot on the monitor.

Henry Ford Innovations engages with corporations, universities, incubators, and accelerators to identify products and services to further develop, test and/or implement at Henry Ford Health and beyond. It was instrumental in connecting Vilkins with the students and supporting them all along the way.

To develop the system, students in the Henry Ford Health + MSU Heath Sciences partnership shadowed clinicians at Henry Ford Hospital with the goal of designing a device that could improve clinical practice.

Then the company LaparAssist Inc. was founded by Vilkins and four students: Colin O’Hern, CEO; Simon Sanchez, chief financial officer; Kay Hadrick, chief operating and technical officer; and Max Hakun, vice president of engineering and prototyping.

Vilkins serves as chief medical officer. Henry Ford Innovations helped secure a patent for the invention and entered into a licensing agreement with LaparAssist Inc. in December 2023.

Vilkins and the team are working to optimize their prototype device with the goal of eventually making it available for purchase to both individual physicians and healthcare facilities.

“It was really symbiotic that I had these brilliant students to hand my idea to and say, ‘let’s try this,’” says Vilkins.