David Provost Talks TCF Bank PPP 2.0, Peter Karmanos Jr. Shares Best Business Practices of MadDog Technology


In this episode, we interview David Provost, chairman of TCF Bank in Detroit, and Peter Karmanos Jr., chairman of MadDog Technology in Birmingham and Pontiac. We also discuss our big three news stories of the week, including sports news.

Section 1:
Big Three News Stories

Bonus coverage of the weekend’s NASCAR race.

Section 2:
Interview with David Provost, Chairmen of TCF Bank in Detroit. We discuss the new PPP announcement – https://www.dbusiness.com/daily-news/detroits-tcf-bank-accepting-second-round-of-ppp-applications-announces-community-initiatives/

Section 3:
Interview with Peter Karmanos Jr., chairman of MadDog Technology in Birmingham and Pontiac. We discuss how to move traditional business functions to the cloud and his outlook for a post-COVID-19 world. https://www.dbusiness.com/business-features/mad-dog/