Rhonda Walker Foundation

Rhonda Walker Foundation logo
Courtesy of the Rhonda Walker Foundation

The Rhonda Walker Foundation’s mission is to empower inner-city teen girls toward becoming strong, confident, successful, and moral future leaders. It is done through its award-winning five-year Girls into Women program. The foundation strives to positively affect the lives of the girls, whether it’s academic preparation, career development, mentoring, personal development, health and wellness, financial literacy, self-defense, public speaking, community service and outreach, self-esteem, or etiquette. It focuses on making the maximum positive effort for girls through consistent engagement and mentoring. The foundation’s board of directors, staff, mentors, and volunteers provide the momentum that helps affect change. One popular event is the annual cross-country college tour for high school juniors, which provides teens with a broader vision for their future and can be a life-changing experience.

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