Racing for Kids To The Hill 2022

Racing for Kids, a nonprofit organization in Grosse Pointe Farms, hosted its 16th annual To The Hill event on Wednesday, Aug. 31, at Jumps Restaurant in Grosse Pointe. The day began with a public street fair that featured live music, a scavenger hunt, art stations, and more. The evening VIP reception included a live motorsports demonstration, a live and silent auction, specialty cocktails, a full bar, live music, and food from local restaurants The Bronze Door, The Dirty Dog Jazz Café, Fresh Farms, Jumps, Luxe, and Café Nini. Funds from the event go to supporting pediatric projects at Ascension St. John Children’s Hospital, Beaumont Grosse Pointe, The Children’s Foundation, Henry Ford Health System, Racing for Kids, and new this year, Teen Street Skills. Sponsors of the event included The Children’s Foundation, Backer Landscaping, Benson and Edit Ford Fund, Benson Ford Jr., Blaser Design Group, Bodman, and many more. // Photographs by Christine MJ Hathaway