McLaren Oakland Foundation

McLaren Oakland
Courtesy of McLaren Oakland

The McLaren Oakland Foundation has provided Pontiac’s McLaren Oakland with funds for technology and building expansion, medical training, and uncompensated medical care since its inception in 2004. The foundation has helped provide state-of-the-art technology such as the Da Vinci Xi surgical system, which offers less invasive procedures and quicker recovery time for those in need of surgery. The sixth floor at McLaren Oakland also has been expanded to serve patients in need of inpatient cancer care thanks to a partnership with the Karmanos Cancer Institute. The foundation has been able to provide medical and nursing training for its staff, as well as educational events for the community to attend, with the goal of keeping its health professionals and community as educated and aware as possible. Donations made to the McLaren Oakland Foundation also go toward uncompensated care for patients who are unable to pay for critical care services. The foundation has offered more than $20 million in uncompensated care to individuals in the Oakland County area who had little or no ability to pay for the care they needed.



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