Life Remodeled

Life Remodeled logo
Courtesy of Life Remodeled

Detroit-based Life Remodeled, which renovates and repurposes former community assets, repairs owner-occupied homes, and mobilizes 10,000 volunteers over six-day projects to beautify areas of the city, continues to work during the COVID-19 pandemic. While its Durfee Innovation Society — a repurposed school building that brings together nonprofit and for-profit partners to share resources and enhance programming for the community — closed due to the stay-at-home order, Life Remodeled has distributed 700 boxes of produce and groceries to 300 families every other week. It has also distributed thousands of dollars in restaurant gift cards and provided residential rent assistance, passed out face masks, and hosted Facebook Live sessions on topics relevant to its community. The nonprofit tentatively plans to host its annual Six Day Project from Oct. 5-10 and has thought up ways to incorporate social distancing. Since 2014, Life Remodeled has repaired 188 homes and four schools, beautified 1,589 blocks, boarded up 2,062 houses, and engaged more than 66,000 volunteers.


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