JARC is a metro Detroit-based nonprofit organization that serves 156 individuals with developmental disabilities in 80 locations.

JARC LogoJARC is a metro Detroit-based nonprofit organization that serves 156 individuals with developmental disabilities in 80 locations, including 24-hour care in group homes and independent living settings for adults, and respite services within the family home for children, teens, and young adults. JARC strives to provide the highest quality of direct-care services tailored to the individual’s needs, as well as a wide range of social, recreational, and religious opportunities that ensure a full, rich life. The people JARC serves typically are engaged in work, day programs, and other outings, and the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted their daily activities. The organization is seeking donations to help keep the people it serves entertained until the Stay Home, Stay Safe executive order is lifted. Donations may include puzzles, word search books, indoor and outdoor games, and activity kits.


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