Cap and Conquer

Cap and Conquer logo
Courtesy of Cap and Conquer

Cap and Conquer is a Michigan-based nonprofit that aims to break down the financial and educational barriers surrounding using scalp cooling for reducing hair loss during chemotherapy. Scalp cooling therapy, sometimes called cold cap therapy, requires wearing a cold cap that conforms to the head before, during, and after chemotherapy to reduce hair loss. The cold cap chills the scalp, temporarily shrinking the size of its blood vessels and preventing chemotherapy drugs from reaching the scalp and causing hair loss. The group does this by raising awareness of scalp cooling, raising money to rent cold caps for cancer patients, and providing support and mentorship to patients using cold caps. The organization is having its inaugural golf outing as a fundraiser to purchase more caps at West Bloomfield’s Tam-O-Shanter Country Club in August. The organization was founded by six women who either used cold caps or have family members who used them.


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