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Northville Concours d’Elegance

April 15, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm


The Northville Concours d’Elegance is a first-of-its-kind youth-focused automotive event. At Northville Concours d’Elegance, our goal is to assemble the best automobiles from around the country for our team of youth judges. Our youth judges represent the next generation of the automotive hobby. Our ability to host this groundbreaking concours event in July is because of the support from our generous guests that joined us at the Northville Concours d’Elegance Founders Dinner and Live Auction. The night will begin with an authentic Italian meal at the historic Genitti’s of Northville. Following the dinner, we will announced our first annual Northville Concours d’Elegance Collector of the Year, Lauren Mendelson. The evening will conclude with our live charity auction featuring pieces from Orin Jewelers of Northville and Ernst Benz.


April 15, 2023
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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Genitti’s of Northville
108 E Main St. Northville, MI 48167
Northville,MI48167United States
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Organizer Name
Northville Concours d'Elegance
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Northville Concours d'Elegance
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Northville Concours d'Elegance
Please explain what this charity supports, i.e., programs, services, etc.
Northville Concours d'Elegance is a first of its kind youth focused automotive event series. Our mission is to bring together the best automobiles from around the country for young people.
Which categories does this event fall under? (Please check all that apply)
Automotive, Education, Fundraiser, Gala
Which categories does this agenda fall under? (Please check all that apply)
Dinner, Live Auction, Networking
Registration Requirements
Tickets must be purchased at https://www.northvilleconcours.com
Dress Code
Business / Professional
Parking Guidelines
Parking is available through Downtown Northville.
COVID-19 Protocols
Ware following all state and local guidelines provided by the venue.
Emcee/Host/Media Personality
David Kibbey - Bennett DiMeo
Celebrity/Special Guest
Northville Concours d'Elegance.
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