Startup Spotlight: JustAir
JustAir is an environmental tech company, based at Newlab Detroit at Michigan Central, dedicated to the belief that everyone has the right to breathe...
Urban Nutrient
Can John Hantz’s tree farm in Detroit be a model for turning around struggling neighborhoods?
Regarding the Right to Water
Protests were held in Detroit on Friday to challenge the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department’s recent shut-off initiative. The United Nations has published a number of statements regarding residents’ “the right to water.”
Detroit Water and the United Nations
Now this is a black eye that the city of Detroit does not need. As regular readers know, I suspected that the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department would become a “hot potato” in the city’s reorganization efforts.
Supreme Court Decides CTS Corp. vs. Waldburger
States' Statutes of limitations comes under question.
Climate Change and Infrastructure
As we rebuild our state’s infrastructure, we need to think about doing it right the first time.
Climate Change: Don’t Put All Your Bananas in One Basket
The best method to adapt and become resilient to climate change is to diversify.
With Great Technology Comes Great Upheaval
We’ve all seen how the Internet has changed certain businesses.
Why Not a Regional Water System?
The current system needs infrastructure upgrades which are likely to be very expensive.
Detroit Water Dept. Must Reorganize to Survive
Did you ever think about where your water comes from and what may be in it? I have a good friend who never thought about the fact that there was a finite amount of water and that certainly some of what came out of his tap had, at some point (possibly in the distant past), likely passed through someone else’s bladder. What that means is that proper treatment of wastewater may have a serious impact on drinking water quality and public health.